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Code and contribution

The code is open source and released under the ISC License (ISCL). It is available on Gitlab and follows the guidelines about Semantic Versioning for transparency within the release cycle and backward compatibility whenever possible.

All contributions are welcome, whether bug reports, code contributions and reviews, documentation or feature requests.


If you're a developer, fork the repo and prepare a merge request:

Prepare your environment the first time
python3.10 venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -e .[development]
Running the tests while development
Individual supported versions tests and code quality checks
tox -e py310-dj32
tox -e flake8
Ensure code quality running the entire test suite


All documentation is written in Markdown and uses MkDocs as a static site generator.

Start docs development server
mkdocs serve

On every new Git tag the docs are automatically built in the CI pipeline and deployed using GitLab Pages under